Top 12 Product Management Posts in 2023

Producter Blog shed light on product managers by writing blogs about product management in 2022. We have been able to keep the information of our readers up to date by publishing a blog almost every week.

2 years ago   •   3 min read

Ferhan Gül

Producter Blog shed light on product managers by writing blogs about product management in 2023. We have been able to keep the information of our readers up to date by publishing a blog almost every week.

In 2023, we will continue to provide up-to-date information to our readers by writing more effective blogs.

The field of product management is always changing — and the next few years are shaping up to be an exciting time for product management. As the industry continues to grow, companies need insight into what is going to happen next.

2- 10 Youtube Channels for Product Managers in 2023

Access to information is easy and free in Global Duny. There are thousands of resources and videos about Product Management on the Internet. In this blog, we have listed you the Top 10 Product Management related Youtube Videos of 2023.

3- 20 Product Communities to Join

Producter is a product management tool designed to become customer-driven. Producter Slack community is for professionals in the product space. It’s a great place to meet other product people and gain insights from them and learn more about product-led growth, product management, and more

4-Role of Product Manager in the Product-Led Growth Equation

As a product manager, you're likely always looking for ways to grow your company's revenue. But what if there were a specific approach you could take that would guarantee growth? The key to sustained revenue growth lies in product-led strategies.

5-Top 10 Product Management Podcasts

We have compiled the most accurate and clean source information so that you can learn about Product Management at any time. This blog describes the top 10 Product Management Podcasts.

6-What is an Epic and How can you use Epics?

Epics are large, high-level user stories that can be broken down into smaller, more manageable tasks. They are typically used in agile software development to help multiple teams identify and track progress on large features or projects.

7-Product Documentation Tree Framework

Product documentation is essential to help users navigate through your product. Many teams consider documentation a necessary evil, something that needs to be written if you have to.

8-What is a Feature Factory for Product Management?

The phrase "feature factory" is commonly used in product management, but it's usually intended as an insult. It implies that the company cares more about creating features than solving customers' issues.

9-How to Create a Customer Feedback Strategy

Managing customer feedback can be challenging. It is one of the most important responsibilities of a product manager. Using a solid feedback management strategy will help you improve customer satisfaction, reduce churn, increase revenue and most importantly, create customer loyalty.

Our top 12 product management blog posts of 2022 - Producter
Top 12 product management blog posts of 2023 - Producter

10-What is Idea Management?

Idea management is the process of generating, capturing, and developing ideas. It helps organizations to identify and track new ideas, as well as assess and prioritize them. Idea management can also involve managing idea submissions from employees or customers.

11-Top 5 Methods to Collect User Feedback

“Feedback is the breakfast of champions” is what successful product-led companies recognize.

User feedback is what your users think and feel about your product. What satisfies or frustrates them usually comes from their level of satisfaction with your product.

User feedback can be a review of your product that says it is fantastic, a complaint about their experience, or a feature request explaining how you can make your product more beneficial for them. Any feedback you get from users is critical since their satisfaction is essential in making your business successful.

12-Why Strategic Product Roadmap is Key to Success?

Almost every product company knows a product roadmap is needed. Yet, it is often a love & hate relationship. To build a successful roadmap, you need to have a clear product vision and strategy. And, most importantly, you need to internalize business goals and expected outcomes. Without these two steps, creating a meaningful and trackable roadmap will eventually end up having a hate relationship with your beloved product roadmap. Sorry to say that, but been there done that :)

Producter is a product management tool designed to become customer-driven.

It helps you collect feedback, manage tasks, sharing product updates, creating product docs, and tracking roadmap.

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