11 Best Product Management Training Courses and Certifications for 2023

Product management is an ever-evolving field that requires professionals to keep up with the latest trends and developments. As such, investing in the right training and certification programs can be a smart move for anyone looking to build a career in this field.

a year ago   •   9 min read

Ferhan Gül
11 Best Product Management Training Courses and Certifications for 2023 by Producter

Product management is an ever-evolving field that requires professionals to keep up with the latest trends and developments. As such, investing in the right training and certification programs can be a smart move for anyone looking to build a career in this field. With so many options available, it can be tough to determine which program is the best fit for your needs. To help you get started, we've compiled a list of the 11 best product management training courses and certifications for 2023.

Before we start 11 Best Product Management Training Courses and Certifications for 2023, let's talk about the importance of Product Management Training courses

What are Product Management Training courses?

Product Management Training courses are focused on the discipline of managing a product throughout its lifecycle, covering all aspects from design to launch, marketing to sales. These courses aim to help product managers work effectively and efficiently at every stage, from understanding product concepts and conducting market research to understanding customer needs and designing the product, to launching the product and providing post-sales support. The courses provide theoretical knowledge and help students develop their product management skills through hands-on work and projects.

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1- Mastering Product Management: Building your Strategy by Stanford

Mastering Product Management: Building your Strategy by Stanford 

In this course, you will learn how to create a comprehensive product strategy. We will guide you through a playbook of on-the-job skills needed to develop this strategy, like building a product roadmap, managing a product team, mitigating risk, and driving product adoption.

  • Translate your company strategy into a complementary product strategy
  • Prioritize and articulate product features using a product requirements document (PRD / spec)
  • Run an operational cycle (sprint) with cross-functional collaboration
  • Foster product growth and retain customers

💲 Price:$765.00 USD

⏳ Time: 9 hours

⏲️ Level: Beginner

📶Format: Online

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2– Product Management with Lean, Agile and System Design Thinking

Product Management with Lean, Agile and System Design Thinking

In this course, which is part of the Digital Product Management MicroMasters program, the learners will be introduced to key frameworks for decision-making based on both economic and organizational considerations. These frameworks will inform the rising product managers on how to make crucial decisions and understand the underlying tradeoffs and implementation decisions needed for each phase of the product life cycle. The course aims to help the learners master the business and organizational logic to ensure product success in the marketplace.

The learners will learn how to:

  • Use customer co-creation and understanding of their needs to become a "champion" for user-centric development in digital technology.
  • Set up and manage specific work flows (e.g. either lean, agile or stage gate development tasks) that result in timely launch and upgrades of products.
  • Use a data-and metrics-driven approach to make product life cycle decisions including pricing, versioning, maintenance, helpdesks and end of life.
  • Shape the direction of the product based on experimentation and system design thinking by learning from product roadmaps, competitive considerations, and allied evolution of demand in digital markets.

💲 Price: $900 USD

⏳ Time: 1 hour 36 minutes

⏲️ Level: Beginner

📶Format: Online

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3– Product Management First Steps

Product Management First Steps

The product manager plays a critical role in the success of technology products, as they are the leaders who coordinate all aspects of product development, from making the business case to deciding when and if a product should be retired.

In this course, Doug Winnie, a principal staff instructor and former Adobe Principal Product Manager, provides a comprehensive overview of product management and takes the learners through the six stages of the product life cycle (PLC): research, plan, build, release, refine, and retire. He explains the day-to-day activities of a product manager, introduces the members of the product team, walks the learners through interactive ways to help define their product, and outlines the skills a product manager needs to have to be successful. Whether the learners want to become a product manager or simply become a better member of a product team, this course will help them understand how a good process brings better products to life.

💲 Price: $29.99 USD

⏳ Time: 6-8 weeks, with 4-8 hours per week

⏲️ Level: Beginner

📶Format: Online

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4– Coursera - Product Management Specialization

Coursera - Product Management Specialization

In this Software Product Management Specialization, you will master Agile software management practices to lead a team of developers and interact with clients.  You will have the opportunity to share your experiences and learn from the insights of others as part of a Software Product Management

  • Master Agile software development practices
  • Confidently interact with clients and manage a team of developers
  • Practice and apply management techniques to industry-inspired scenarios
  • Share your experiences and learn from the insights of others as part of a software product management community

💲 Price: Try for Free: Enroll to start your 7-day full access free trial - $49 USD per month to continue learning after trial ends

⏳ Time: Approximately 6 months to complete (Suggested pace of 3 hours/week)

⏲️ Level: Beginner

📶Format: 100% online courses

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5– Product at Heart. A Conference for Curious Product People

Product at Heart. A Conference for Curious Product People

Product at Heart 2023 will feature a special event for product leaders (June 28), great hands-on workshops (June 29), and a big conference (June 30) at the beautiful Kampnagel venue. Overall, there will be up to three days of inspirational content and opportunities to shop with like-minded product people.

Many conferences feel like a job fair in a shiny costume. Product at Heart feels like a community, where everyone (including the speakers!) is chatting about product topics in coffee breaks. I’ll be back, promise!”             –  Juliana Brell, sipgate
“This is one of those conferences that should be mandatory for product people. A lot of big names from the product scene, such as Christina Wodke, Martin Eriksson and Nacho Bassino, all gave such great presentations, so that you go home with new energy and enthusiasm to build amazing products.”                                                                                          – Karolien François, StepStone

💲 Price: For now, only mail is collected.

⏳Time: June 28-29-30

⏲️ Level: Intermediate

📶Format: Face to Face, in Hamburg

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6- Certified Product Manager by Product HQ

Certified Product Manager by Product HQ

Early in your product management career, you can end up wasting months trying to learn more skills to break into a product manager role. Despite all of your hard work, you’ll always feel lost because:

  • You lack a formal background in product management or you’re coming from a different industry.
  • You have no idea what product management entails nor what skills are required.
  • You have no time nor guidance to figure out what resources you should be focused on learning from.
  • You aren’t sure if the product manager role is a good fit for you.
  • You have no idea how to answer product manager interview questions.
  • You don’t have the insider tips on how to stand out as a candidate.

💲 Price: $4,900 USD

⏳Time: 5-20 hours a week over 6 months.

⏲️ Level: Beginner

📶Format: Online

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7– Product School - Certified Product Manager Program

Product School - Certified Product Manager Program

Breaking into Product Management is hard—keeping the job is even harder. Led by top PMs from leading Silicon Valley companies, this widely recognized Product Manager Certification teaches you how to succeed: Learn to build products end to end and get the hands-on experience you need to be a great PM. Along the way, you’ll get all the mentoring, resume prep, and mock interviews you’ll need to land your dream job.

  • Understanding who your customers are and how they think
  • Mastering the art and science of strategic alignment
  • Going for concept to reality
  • Creating the ultimate go to market plan
  • Winning over hiring managers - How to do it right

💲 Price: $2,850 USD

⏳ Time: 32,5 Hours

⏲️ Level: Beginner

📶Format: Online

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8– Product Management Level 1 Experience with David Wang

Product Management Level 1 Experience with David Wang

Product Managers use their business acumen and technical skills to create products that customers love. With a 29% YoY job growth rate, Product Management is one of the most promising and in-demand jobs of the decade. In this program, you will learn to lead the product life cycle with a focus on discovery and research, building MVPs, writing user stories, prioritization and estimation frameworks, and finally learning to use agile to deliver your products. You will also learn about the processes, tools and frameworks used by Product Managers.

💲 Price: $99.00 USD

⏳ Time: 6 weeks - Expect 5-10 hours a week

⏲️ Level: Beginner

📶Format: Online

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9– Innovative Product Management - Product Management Training

Innovative Product Management - Product Management Training

In this course, Karen Holst will walk the learners through the product innovation process, which is crucial for a company's growth and expansion into new markets. Karen will share practical strategies and tools that can help the learners facilitate the creation of valuable new products. The learners will gain insights into how to better understand their company's ecosystem and approach the different phases of innovation, including preparation and discovery, creating ideas, testing and prototyping, and launching and scaling. As a product manager, understanding how to approach each stage of the product innovation process is key, and Karen will help the learners achieve this goal.

💲 Price: 209,99 TRY

⏳ Time: 1 hour 9 minutes

⏲️ Level: Intermediate

📶Format: Online

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10– Pragmatic Marketing - Product Management Training

Pragmatic Marketing - Product Management Training

In this course, you’ll discover how product strategy is the foundation of business growth. You’ll touch upon every stage of the product strategy lifecycle—learning strategies for growth from cradle to grave—and to think like a CEO of your product or service.

  • Understanding Product Strategy
  • Analyzing Product Opportunities
  • Discovery and Requirements Definition
  • Designing the Business Model
  • Agile Product Development
  • Taking Products to Market
  • Managing the Partner Ecosystem
  • Managing Product Evolution and Growth

💲 Price: $2,850 USD

⏳ Time to complete: 2 months

🌐Live: February 9, 2023 2:59 AM

📶Format: Online

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11– AIPMM - Certified Product Manager (CPM) credential

AIPMM - Certified Product Manager (CPM) credential

Uniquely designed for Product Managers and Product Owners, this course focuses on leveraging the Agile Value System from the Product Management perspective.

Get the most advanced Agile techniques used by top product teams so you can deliver at scale on your customers’ continually evolving needs. Whether new to the methodology or in the transition from Waterfall, secure the skills and tools you need to make Agile work.

  • Effective tactical execution of vision and strategy
  • Industry-proven techniques to develop, monitor, learn, and rapidly iterate on products
  • Output-driven to outcome-led
  • Consistent methodology for Product Managers to effectively work with Agile teams
  • Advanced techniques used by top product teams to understand and deliver at scale on customers’ continually evolving needs

💲 Price: $2.495 USD

⏳Time to complete: 5,5 Hours

🌐Live: Mon, Mar 6th 2023 06:00 pm – 10:30 pm +03

📶Format: Online

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Below are 4 resources that every product manager should read 🌐

These resources give you inspiring information about product management 🪄

15 Top Product Management Conferences in 2023

Click the link above to access several inspiring and motivating product management conferences in 2023 that offer valuable insights and growth opportunities around the world.

To see a list of 10 trends compiled to better prepare product managers for the dynamic and expanding nature of the product management process, click the link above.

50 Product Management Case Studies

We explained the product management processes of 50 different companies, including large companies such as Airbnb, Netflix, Amazon Go. Click on the link above to access.

Top 10 Product Management Podcasts

We've listed the 5 most inspiring podcasts on product management. Click the link above to listen.

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