How to achieve product success with a public changelog

Shipping that amazing new feature, improving an existing one, or fixing a bug. Each takes time and effort. But what if you never announce them at all? No one will know, not even the other teams in your company.

3 years ago   •   3 min read

Merve Cankiz Coruh
How to achieve product success with a public changelog

Shipping that amazing new feature, improving an existing one, or fixing a bug. Each takes time and effort. But what if you never announce them at all? No one will know, not even the other teams in your company.

After completing the tough part, you will miss out on a massive opportunity if you do not go the extra mile and announce the product update.

Since the beginning, sharing product updates and having a public changelog helped us boost Producter’s success a lot.

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Each time we share a product update,

  • We show our users that we value their feedback. We don’t only listen to their voice but close the feedback loop by taking action.
  • We encourage new users to try our product and familiarize themselves with it.
  • We help our users to find their path to benefit from the new features.
  • And, it’s worth noting that a public changelog has huge marketing potential :)
How to achieve product success with a public changelog

Your product success will accelerate by sharing updates based on these three pillars:

  1. Keep your customers informed: People use dozens of tools every day, and most of them will not check yours to see if there’s a new feature. Many potential customers may not know they are missing out. Keeping them in the loop will help them try and adopt new features more accessible.
  2. Align with internal teams: It’s common for customer-facing teams like Sales, Marketing, and Customer Success to skip what’s new in the product due to their many priorities. Access to the product updates will keep these teams up-to-date, too.
  3. Close the feedback loop: As product people, we highlight listening to the voice of our customers and collecting their feedback. What happens next? If you don’t inform them about their feedback, you miss out on an excellent customer retention strategy. Highlight the effort you put into listening and executing their feedback.

The ease of having a public changelog is unparalleled. Keeping your teammates and customers updated without a changelog can be stressful.

As a result of having no central place to share your product updates, you have to make sure everyone is up-to-date through many different channels.

We have been lucky to have Producter’s public changelog serve as a single source of truth. Try Producter today and experience the power of having a public changelog.

How to achieve product success with a public changelog
How to achieve product success with a public changelog

Producter is a product management tool designed to become customer-driven.

It helps you collect feedback, manage tasks, sharing product updates, creating product docs, and tracking roadmap.

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