How We Created Our New Onboarding Flow

A couple of months ago, we decided to switch our product development system at Producter. Every week, we develop a new feature - no matter how big or small - and share it with our users.

2 years ago   •   3 min read

Eren Gündüz
How We Created Our New Onboarding Flow by Producter

A couple of months ago, we decided to switch our product development system at Producter. Every week, we develop a new feature - no matter how big or small - and share it with our users.

This model works great actually. Users are attracted to these changelogs because they encourage them to try new features. But, following that, these users rarely return to Producter and continue to use it. Furthermore, new users rarely activate the product and leave once they sign up.

Upon analyzing all related data, we concluded that we could not demonstrate our product's core value to users. Our users sign up and want to use our product, but they aren't sure where to start or what to do.

There are a lot of things to teach users about the product’s core value or what will they do with the product. But the most effective one is creating an onboarding flow that matches the user’s expectations.

We already have an onboarding flow in Producter. However, it is more like an onboarding pop-up that explains the product without interacting. In fact, the completion rate of old onboarding was very high. Due to its simplicity and ease of completion.

We don't want to keep onboarding too long when developing a new one. It's because Producter is an all-in-one product management tool with lots of features.

There is one more thing we should consider. We need to make this new onboarding process as easy as possible. We have to keep developing new features every week in addition to onboarding.

As a result, we settled on three main points for our new onboarding process. Interactivity, simplicity, and ease of development are essential.

As we pondered these three factors, using Intercom Product Tours was the best choice for us. With no code, we could build onboarding without tiring our developers. In addition, we believed that the most effective way to learn something was to do it, so we implemented a product tour to best teach the user.

For every module, we created different product tours. The tours will begin when users are ready to look at modules. The user won't be bored because the tours are not connected end-to-end, and they will be able to finish the tours more easily since they will see tours at time intervals.

Here is our product tour for the Feedback Management module 👇🏻

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It helps you collect feedback, manage tasks, sharing product updates, creating product docs, and tracking roadmap.

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