What is a Sprint?
Sprints are usually completed within one to four weeks in the scrum. This time-box focuses on building and testing clearly defined sets of functionality, leading to a shippable work increment.
Sprints are usually completed within one to four weeks in the scrum. This time-box focuses on building and testing clearly defined sets of functionality, leading to a shippable work increment.
Modern tools can help quantify, objectify, segregate and delegate tasks properly and proportionately. In the early stages of building a startup, it can be difficult to determine which tools are essential, useful, and not worth your time.
The role of product managers is to lead and make strategic decisions about products. There has been a misconception that product managers are “mini CEOs” of the product they manage.
Product is a collection of core business features that deliver the complete product experience to a defined set of market segments. Software and data can make up an entire product.
Stakeholders are groups of people who participate in the product development process on different levels. They can be in technical or non-technical teams or outside the company. In any case, the stakeholders usually play a primary role in the success of a product either directly or indirectly.
A product vision outlines the overall long-term goal of your product. Basically, it communicates why the product exists and what the desired end state of the product is in the future.
The north star of a digital product company is product management and vision. You always know where and how they should be. It should shine the brightest so that you can see it. Seeing it clearly will help you to stay on your path, always.