Samet Ozkale's profile'

Samet Ozkale


What is a Sprint?

Sprints are usually completed within one to four weeks in the scrum. This time-box focuses on building and testing clearly defined sets of functionality, leading to a shippable work increment.

Samet Ozkale
3 years ago

5 Tools Product People Need

Modern tools can help quantify, objectify, segregate and delegate tasks properly and proportionately. In the early stages of building a startup, it can be difficult to determine which tools are essential, useful, and not worth your time.

Samet Ozkale
3 years ago

What is a Product Stakeholder?

Stakeholders are groups of people who participate in the product development process on different levels. They can be in technical or non-technical teams or outside the company. In any case, the stakeholders usually play a primary role in the success of a product either directly or indirectly.

Samet Ozkale
4 years ago