

10 Effective Methods to Prioritize

A PM would have hundreds of various ideas for adding new features to their product if asked. Many PMs find it challenging to decide what to build next as users flood in with ideas and feature requests. We’ve listed 10 practical prioritization techniques for you to master as a product manager.

Merve Cankiz Coruh
3 years ago

What is a Changelog?

A changelog is a chronologically ordered list of all notable changes for each release or version. Having a structured and consistent changelog makes it simpler for users and contributors to understand exactly what changes have been made between releases.

Merve Cankiz Coruh
3 years ago

What is a Sprint?

Sprints are usually completed within one to four weeks in the scrum. This time-box focuses on building and testing clearly defined sets of functionality, leading to a shippable work increment.

Samet Ozkale
3 years ago

5 Tools Product People Need

Modern tools can help quantify, objectify, segregate and delegate tasks properly and proportionately. In the early stages of building a startup, it can be difficult to determine which tools are essential, useful, and not worth your time.

Samet Ozkale
3 years ago

What is a Product Stakeholder?

Stakeholders are groups of people who participate in the product development process on different levels. They can be in technical or non-technical teams or outside the company. In any case, the stakeholders usually play a primary role in the success of a product either directly or indirectly.

Samet Ozkale
3 years ago